The Republicans are always complaining that US tax rates are too high, but the facts don't support...
Year: 2010
The Iraq War is second most expensive war in US history after World War II and the...
The Republicans keep touting Tort Reform as a way to save money. For example, some of them...
I keep wondering why I see so many rabid spewing hatred on television and the internet. But...
Republican favorability has declined 29% of the last 16 years, while Democratic favorability has improved by 10%....
Republicans like to hype how good Fox News' rating are, but that only works if you leave...
Republicans like to brag about the popularity of Conservative Media outlets such as Fox News, however, Fox...
A Sysinct List of Republicans who have been accused, indicted or convicted of crimes
We commonly hear that Global Warming is "junk science" and that all the claims have been discredited....
I have an idea for the perfect republican team: George Bush and Dan Quayle. Americans would be...